If you need federal tax information, the IRS provides free Spanish language products and services. Pages on IRS.gov, tax topics, refund information, tax publications and toll-free telephone assistance are all available in the Spanish-language. The Spanish-language page has links to tax information such as forms and publications, warnings about tax scams that victimize taxpayers, information on the Earned Income, child and various other tax credits, and more. Look for a new interactive tool called EITC Assistant to help you learn if you are eligible to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit.
The IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days, although some require additional time. Visit the IRS website to get the status of your refund. Where’s My Refund? will give you the status of your refund within 24 hours after the IRS has received your e-filed return or 4 weeks after you’ve mailed a paper return. It has the most up to date information about your refund. You should only call the IRS if it has been:
- 21 days or more since you e-filed
- 6 weeks or more since you mailed your return, or when
- “Where’s My Refund” tells you to contact the IRS
For IRS telephone assistance contact numbers, please visit IRS.gov and type in “Telephone Assistance” in the search box